Sunday, March 05, 2006

The brother I never wanted

Last week, my department took the Myers-Briggs Type Index, which was great, but apparently a lot of people had taken it together before. The day before our workshop, two of my coworkers had this conversation.

"Do you remember what your type is?"
"I'm sure that's what they told you, but that's really not a type."
"Oh, then I was Awesome."

Anyway, it turned out that I had the same type as everyone I interviewed with, but the description didn't feel right for some then I took it again when I got home and, while the individual letters didn't always sound right, the overall description sounded just like me. And, the type I think Matt is (he won't take the test for some reason) is the same type as my "annoying brother" coworker.

We get along ok (coworker and I) most days. Actually, most days, we barely talk, but when he's in a bad mood, he transforms into The Brother I Never Wanted. And then I see him every 5 minutes, when he comes around to throw things at me or poke me with his coffee stirrer or just to make faces at me. We had one of those days last week, so I asked him what was up with him.

"I'm just pissed off today."
"And how is that different from any other day?"
"Well, usually I'm sassy and delightful."

I walked away after that. By the afternoon, he was back to basically ignoring me. Unfortunately, Matt's been in the same annoying mood this week. I told him he was the brother I never wanted, and he seemed kind of pleased with that, even after I pointed out how icky that is. Other than that and a brief power struggle over who was going to do the dishes that have been sitting in the sink since Wednesday, we've been doing really well this week. I can't believe the wedding is in a month. Eep, is that ever close. One of Matt's cousins invited herself and her 3 SMALL CHILDREN to our wedding this week. I was ready to stab someone after I got that call, but Matt's mom is willing to pay for them, so I'm pretending to be the classy one here. I mean, seriously. We don't know you. Your parents aren't coming. You weren't invited. Why are you insisting on forcing us to pay for you to be at our wedding? At least they've had 5 "no"s already, so I feel a little better.

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